Our Metrics & The Questions That Drive Them
- May 3, 2022
- Adam Gareau
It all starts with Engagement.
Every time a consumer engages with a property, there’s an opportunity for a sponsor to connect and drive impact. Our definition of engagement is broad and includes many possible ways a person could engage with a property.
For sports properties, we define engagement as having done one or more of the following in the prior 12 months:
For the following sports, have you done the following in the past year? Select all that apply.
Watch live on TV
Watch online
Follow events / updates / news
Follow on social
Play fantasy / bet on it
Buy / wear merchandise
Attend events
For music and lifestyle/entertainment properties, the same methods of engagement are utilized, with the removal of “Play fantasy / bet on it”.
For cause properties, the list is a bit different:
Volunteer time
Donate or raise money
Follow events / updates / news
Follow on social
Buy / wear merchandise
Attend events
Intensity and Momentum
Once we’ve established that a consumer engages with a given property, they provide us with some further information that goes deeper than just whether they’ve engaged.
Our Intensity metric is the % of those engaged who indicate they engage on at least a weekly basis, with the following question:
For each of the following, during an average year, do you engage…? Select all that apply.
Similarly, we’re naturally interested in whether the engagement for a property is anticipated to increase or decrease. Momentum is the % of those engaged who anticipate their interest will increase in the next 12 months, from the following question:
In the next 12 months, which of the following will you be more interested in?
Excitement and Passion
Sponsorship isn’t just about behavior – it’s also about the way people feel towards the properties they engage with. That’s why we include Excitement and Passion, to help differentiate properties who may reach similar size audiences but differ greatly in emotional connection. These two metrics are derived from the following questions:
For each of the following, please indicate if this is something that excites you. Select all that apply.
Which of the following are you passionate about? Select all that apply.
Purchase Consideration and Favorability
Our final two metrics help stakeholders understand the inherit ability of a property to transfer benefits to sponsors. These two metrics are absent any given brand, category, or activation/message – and truly represent the most conservative view of the opportunity to drive impact with consumers. These are probable outcomes based only on association – without any additional messaging or activation.
They’re derived from these pair of questions:
Below is a list of properties. Please select the list of properties that apply to the statement below.
I am more likely to consider purchasing a brand that sponsors this property.
Below is a list of properties. Please select the list of properties that apply to the statement below.
I feel better towards a brand that sponsors this property.
Opportunity Score
The seven metrics combine into one number – a common currency or a comprehensive ranking – that we call Opportunity Score. We cover Opportunity Score in another post.